Is it difficult to get reimbursement from an insurance company? Or, are you unable to track payments and analyze medical records?
Our team has vast experience dealing with charge slips, pending claims, denials, rejections, appeals, etc.
As a leading accounts receivable analysis team, we review claims, check unpaid amounts, analyze denials & rejections, follow up with the payor, generate AR reports, etc. Our medical billing accounts receivables service can help you assess your organization’s financial performance and help you focus on your mainstay.
We can assist you in eliminating outstanding claims, generating AR reports, tracking payments, etc. Our AR analysis services emphasize finding out the reasons for lower payments and refusing claims.
Unchecked AR days can weaken the economic health of successful medical practices and cause them to suffer financially. As a prominent accounts receivable analysis team, we help you sort your organization’s AR days by focusing on denials, appeals, patient plans, and reimbursement patterns. Thus, you can optimize the healthcare costs and your internal operational processes.
Our expertise in RCM helps us manage medical bills and charge slips.
We can track each denial and rejection and follow up with the insurance companies until the claim is sorted out. For this to happen, we have a strong team who are more than capable of exploring all possible ambiguities that led to rejection. The team follows up with the payor to ensure that the payment is made on time.
AR is a risk-laden asset, and the healthcare provider has to accept the loss if the AR days are not maintained, and the money is not coming as projected. However, if you do a thorough AR Analysis, you can determine the reasons and rectify them. Thus, you need expert AR analysis services to generate an accurate, real-time report of your account receivables.
We have capable AR analysis teams who can create monthly/biweekly/quarterly AR and reimbursement reports. This will help you get real-time analysis of the current medical billing process and find out the best way to churn out maximum reimbursement from the payors.
Upon receiving a claim, we will analyze it. Our AR analysis team will check each claim, maintain a claim record, and conduct a monthly review before submission.
To provide top-notch accounts receivable analysis, we use several advanced AR analysis software and tools that help us track claims, follow up with payors, create AR reports, process claims, and more.