Due to the sensitivity of the payment posting process, accurate and efficient payment posting is inevitable for Physicians’ offices. We crosscheck the EOBs and adjudicate them ourselves. Our billers are known to be highly efficient and analytical in payment posting. Their specialty lies in working on the most advanced electronic remittance scenarios.

Our team keeps real-time track of the outstanding amount receivable and the cash flow status. This gives easy access to the rate of the cash inflows so that required actions can be taken when required when the cash flow reduces under unforeseen circumstances.

healthcare services medical transcriptions

Our experience in the medical billing and coding domain, combined with our payment posting expertise, makes us stand out compared to others.

Payment posting involves posting adjustments and denials accurately, and our team helps you identify the reason for denials and resolves that to avoid future denials.

The revenue cycle processes directly impact the efficiency of the medical office staff. Once the problem has been identified, our team helps you determine whether the process could be added, improved, or removed from the current processes to enhance the effectiveness of the revenue cycle.

The most effective method of resolving denials is preventing them, but this is not always possible. Each day your denials go unresolved contributes to your overall accounts receivable days. Our team can quickly identify denials and correctly re-file them to reduce the A/R days considerably.

Accurate payment posting also affects the accuracy of claims submissions to secondary and tertiary payors.

We ensure that the primary payment is posted correctly so that the secondary and tertiary payments are billed out correctly. This ensures enhanced vendor and customer satisfaction.

healthcare services medical transcriptions